The story of Holimed Bioresonance and EAV

How Holimed began

After studying electronics engineering and gaining 14 years of international experience in electronics, computer technology, large-plant technology, and software engineering, we, the founders of the Holimed Private Institute GmbH, Peter Barski and Wolfgang Bialas, turned to a new challenge: alternative medicine. Two and a half years additional training at the VDH School of Naturopaths provided the foundation for this quite new and comprehensive topic. The school director also brought us into contact with bioresonance, because she had worked with it for many years. But at first, we regarded bioresonance with great skepticism. As luck would have it, someone had made a rather old bioresonance device temporarily available to the school.
The school director insisted that we should at least give it a try. Hence, to show good will, we stored the unit for a while in a corner of our former engineering company—until the owner would need it back. Now, we realized that we had to do something with the device. We first carried out some very simple tests, and to our surprise, results were unexpectedly positive. Nonetheless, they were inconsistent. It seemed that the technique led to the desired results only in certain cases. To verify this, we interviewed many users of different devices until we gained a clearer picture. And indeed, it took a lot of minor adjustments and changes before we could present a truly universal device.
Moreover, a device should be created that users can afford—especially in light of the high prices some providers demand for rather simple technology. Under these premises, we developed our first prototype and asked experienced users of such expensive equipment to evaluate it. The unanimous opinion of the professionals was: “This small and affordable instrument is at least just as powerful as my big expensive equipment!” This was the starting point for bioswing Practice. We can well remember exhibiting the device at the first congresses or trade shows and how the competitors bunched together and observed our stand from a suitable distance. It was a pleasure at that time and it is still a pleasure today!


Holimed milestones in Bioresonance and EAV

  • 1994: The inexpensive Holimed bioresonance device the bioswing Practice was presented and became an immediate “hit.” The oscillation range was from about 2 Hertz (extremely low frequencies (we were the first to recognize their importance) to about 400,000 Hertz. What was particularly significant was that the instrument was very easy to operate. This was thanks to the Holimed Automatic Mode of bioresonance that took about a year to develop. Many series of measurements revealed that a very fast compensation of irritations to the EAV measuring points can be achieved by automatically changing the bioresonance key parameters in a certain way. This was implemented in bioswing Practice and was part of its success. The other part of this success was its low price.

  • 1995: After measuring other EAV devices, it became clear that a new device was needed. It was important to have an accurate calibration matching the specifications of Dr. Voll along with a lower measuring current as proposed by Dr. Kramer. This led to the biocheck EAV device with a measuring current of only about 2.5 microamperes as opposed to the variable current of 5–16 microamperes in the existing old equipment.

  • 1996: Enhancement of bioswing Practice by the DC voltage-mode (0 Hertz). At that time, the importance of this mode became evident only through lengthy tests. Nowadays, with the WaveScanner, it is obvious to everyone—after only one day working with it. In approximately 30% of cases, this mode already leads to a balance of the irritations measured with EAV.

  • 2000: The start of a 2-year project to develop a full PC-remote-controlled bioresonance device with a wide oscillation region up to 1 MHz.

  • 2002: Timely completion of the project with the WaveMaker Pro (formerly HCNI) and the PC software V1 for the US market and the beginning of intensive collaboration with Tom Stone, California, the founder of Human Software Engineering and the developer of the Core Dynamics Method.

  • 2003: Previous work led to the development of a new version of bioswing: bioswing Pro. The US version was named WaveMaker. The WaveMaker Coaching originated from this in the United States. Google leads to over 30,000 entries for the term (October 2013).

  • 2005: To help the search for EAV measuring points, the acoustic point search aid was presented for biocheck.

  • 2008: The hardware of the bioresonance devices of Holimed was again expanded. This version was first offered in Europe under the brand name RemiWave Pro – with an amazing response. In addition, the device was significantly cheaper and at the same time more powerful than that marketed by a particular competitor.

  • 2008: The hardware for the EAV devices was redesigned and equipped with an optical glass fiber PC interface. biocheck Pro for EAV was introduced to the market.
  • 2008: Version 1 of the EAV software for biocheck Pro was presented with great resonance.

  • 2008: For the low-budget sector, the older biocheck family was split into the maxi/mini versions.

  • 2008: The entire software product range was extended from Windows XP™ to Windows  Vista™. The following years saw a stepwise adaptation to Windows 7/8™.

  • 2009: The RemiWave Pro/WaveMaker Pro software version 2 was presented.

  • 2009: The hardware of the bioresonance devices of Holimed was again expanded. The previously manual calibration was replaced by an integrated fully automatic calibration system.

  • 2010: The biocheck Pro software version 2 was presented. This was extended in response to user proposals.

  • 2010: The newly developed RemiWave Pro Software Version 3 was presented with a modern, fast, and elegant operating concept.

  • 2011: The software manuals were converted completely into training videos and parts were made publicly available on Holimed’s YouTube channel  (

  • 2011: Presentation of the WaveScanner after about 4 years of testing and development.

  • 2011: RemiWave Com was presented for those users who want to work with the test preparations and also with the WaveScanner technology.

  • 2012: A 6-month study was conducted and tools were developed to determine the sense and nonsense of so-called “digitized test kits.” The results were presented at the Congress of the I.M.U. College of Martin Keymer. The German-language video can be found here.

  • 2013: The much more enhanced version 3 software for biocheck Pro with integrated interpretation of five-element theory was presented.

  • 2014: Adaptation of RemiWave Pro and the associated PC software as an OEM package for an international cooperation partner.
™ Trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
Holimed biocheck®, bioswing®, RemiWave® are registered trademarks of Holimed.